Here on this page, we have added some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and the potential questions from our visitors.
Wptowp FAQs List
You can see the Wptowp FAQs and the answer on this page.
What are Bhai-brother effects?
In the WordPress industry, similar companies’ management is closed and known in a lot of cases. They are like brothers, uncles, cousins etc.
It happens due to the eco-system, WordCamp and regular meetups and good people.
However, this friendly environment brings a bad influence.
Whenever any content is published by any of the companies, in most cases the bad effect affects the content. No one writes the cons for similar other products.
In the listing blog, they consider the known company’s products. If you are close to any company, your product will be always on top of their listing blog Even if, the product is new still you will see them on the top of the list.
That’s what we are calling Bhai-brother effects.
How Frequently Wptowp Update the Content?
We try to update all the content twice a year. But in case, if we notice any big changes for any specific content, we take instant action. Moreover, if you see any table, you will see the last updated date as well.
Are You Available for Hire?
Yes! We are available for custom WordPress-related content development. We take a limited number of orders at a time and we deliver the same quality content that you are reading at Wptowp.
You can visit to our hiring details page to know the process and pricing. Use a contact form or social media to promote response.

Our main goal is to help a row visitors make their final decisions. We try to add the information that someone needs actually.
We understand that the cons of the product are also required for making the decisions. However, we want to share the positivity and help the companies too.
So, every time we explore products, we keep the negative side in our notes but don’t add it to the blog. If we found any product having a lot of problems, we better avoid adding it to the site.
Also, if the product owner company asks us, we share the negative side with them so that they can improve it.